Thin Places
Our Celtic ancestors lived in an enchanted landscape, seeing evidence of the infinite throughout nature. But in certain wild localities, they felt, the veil between heaven and earth was unusually porous, and those who found their way to these sites, whether as pilgrims or unwitting travellers, could touch the world to come. They called these locations 'thin places,' and there they carved stones, dug wells, and built monasteries to mark them out as special.
Centuries on, in our digital world, these strange and untamed places continue to draw us, resonating with our disenchanted hearts in ways we barely understand, like a language we no longer speak. It is the struggle to make sense of this impulse that gives rise to this album.
Each of its ten songs is named after a location in Scotland, and each tells a distinct story of love and loss and hope. The words are set to a restricted palette of acoustic and electronic sounds, creating haunting melodies that bear comparison to Sufjan Stevens, Shearwater and The National.
With cover art from internationally renowned wood engraver, Andy English, the album will be available to stream in early 2024, and a vinyl release is planned for later in the year.